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Mobile Device Support
The website now has mobile browser support. If you have an iPhone or other device, it should be much easier to read posts. (I’ve only tested it on my iPhone)

The iPhone (and other smart phones) do not support Flash Player, which is the the MP3 Jukebox for Ronnie’s sample music. The website and mobile function now has an alternate page that has the MP3 samples linked for playing on your mobile device. Click the link highlighted in red.
Link to Non flash MP3 Page

The page will show up on your phone like this:
Non Flash MP3 Page

If for some reason you click on the “Switch to our desktop site” link (as shown in red below), your iPhone Safari browser with get stuck with the desktop site content.
Switch to desktop site
To revert to the mobile friendly content, go to your iPhone “Settings”, then “Safari”. Then click “Clear History” and click “Clear Cookies and Data”. Your next opening of should show the mobile friendly content.

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Brothers, Legends, and Friends MP3 Samples

If your browser has no flash player for the jukebox above (typical of mobile browsers), play MP3 samples HERE.



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